This a great for the man in your life or the lady in your life. The pen extends and retracts the refill by pulling the lever just like an old Winchester Rife. This pen comes in a Gift box. I can make this pen with a variety of exotic woods and even deer or elk antlers on quest. The pen takes a standard Parker refill.
LATIN: Prunus serotina: North America.
Black cherry is a medium-sized, fast-growing forest tree growing to a height of 50-80 feet. Leaves are 2" to 5" in length, ovate-lanceolate in shape, with finely toothed margins. Fall leaf color is yellow to red. Flowers are small, white and 5-petalled, in racemes 4" to 6" long which contain several dozen flowers. The flowers give rise to edible reddish-black "berries" (drupes).
A mature black cherry tree can easily be identified in a forest by its very broken, dark grey to black bark, which has the appearance of very thick, burnt cornflakes. However, for about the first decade or so of its life, the bark is thin, smooth, and banded, resembling that of a birch. It can also quickly be identified by its long, shiny leaves resembling those of a sourwood, and by an almond-like odor released when a young twig is scratched and held close to the nose.